an experiment

bear with me, please, i am adding a new dimension to lucy's.
i hope over the following weeks to deceide if i need to have a window like this for the shop.
i will show off the new stock.
and maybe even add a buy it now option.
it all depends on a you ... no pressure!!!!
heres the shop number 01 6774779 if you need to talk
remember we open 1-6 everyday
love always d

Monday, October 19, 2009


here is a selection of dresses we have available at Lucy's lounge .

a lovely grape color coat.

green coat

silver prom dress

50s pink dress

nice print

slinky black dress

70s style customized dress

beautiful dress for going out.


  1. Hi Dee , save the black dress for me says its perfect for my shape xx

  2. I love the black dress too! The blue one is nice too! Oh how I hope to travel to your shop! BTW, thank you so much for checking up on me, I have been adjusting to my new job...

  3. Hey Dee, loving the new shop-blog! Thanks for the comment about the curtains... hoping to make something nice from them. Planning my Xmas crafting at the mo... so much to make so little time!!! Take care, Lyndi

  4. Hello Dee!
    It's good to see a little experimentation here and there, and I'll be following your progress in the months and years to come. I love feeding off of the entrepreneurial spirit of other artists... and your honed instincts on vintage clothing (and in capturing character portraits) is an exquisitely fine art. You're a magnificent artist who draws and communicates directly from her core, and by whom I'm inspired and energized.
    PS -- Your words on SM meant a lot... Thank you.
